
Google PhD Fellow

Full tuition and $35k a year stipend.

1 R Pei, AL Courtney, I Ferguson, C Brennan, J Zaki (2023). A neural signature of social support mitigates negative emotion. Scientific Reports
2 C Brennan, A Aggarwal, R Pei, D Sussillo, A Proekt (2023). One dimensional approximations of neuronal dynamics reveal computational strategy. PLOS Computational Biology
1 A Aggarwal, C Brennan, J Luo, H Chung, D Contreras, MB Kelz, A Proekt (2022). Visual evoked feedforward–feedback traveling waves organize neural activity across the cortical hierarchy in mice. Nature Communications
1 C Brennan, A Proekt (2020). LOOPER: Inferring computational algorithms enacted by neuronal population dynamics. arXiv preprint arXiv:
1 BP Shortal, LB Hickman, RA Mak-McCully, W Wang, C Brennan, H Ung, … (2019). Duration of EEG suppression does not predict recovery time or degree of cognitive impairment after general anaesthesia in human volunteers. British journal of anaesthesia
2 C Brennan, A Proekt (2019). A quantitative model of conserved macroscopic dynamics predicts future motor commands. Elife
3 A Aggarwal, C Brennan, B Shortal, D Contreras, MB Kelz, A Proekt (2019). Coherence of visual-evoked gamma oscillations is disrupted by propofol but preserved under equipotent doses of isoflurane. Frontiers in systems neuroscience
1 C Brennan, A Proekt (2018). A Model of Conserved Global Neuronal Dynamics Predicts Future Behaviors in Caenorhabditis Elegans. Available at SSRN
1 C Brennan, A Proekt (2017). Universality of macroscopic neuronal dynamics in Caenorhabditis elegans. arXiv preprint arXiv:
1 S Stylianidou, C Brennan, SB Nissen, NJ Kuwada, PA Wiggins (2016). SuperSegger: robust image segmentation, analysis and lineage tracking of bacterial cells. Molecular microbiology